eFF Swag...
We Put the eFF in Finesse!

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Leech Doth Protest Too Much

The Leech also Doth Profess Too Much... The Leech Doth Present an Expiration Date.

"I'm just letting you know... that I give you guys a year the most"
What kind of shit is that?
What do you say to someone who puts an expiration date on your relationship??
It's not that I was frightened by it...
I was offended.
Not because of what he said actually because he can believe what he wants
But, I was offended at his audacity... his boldness in saying that.
He is not a close friend, but he would like to be.
He is not a quality alternative, but he would love to be.
Every conversation, as few as they are are at what I call "inappropriate, bootycall" hours (3, 4, 5 ams)
And in these few conversations, he's always managed to nitpick and sideways devalue my relationships...
Simply because he is not a part of them.
Simply because he wants me to himself.
Simply because he cant have me if I'm taken...
BUT.. I wouldn't want him if I weren't. I never did, I never have...
And I tell him so.
He says he's satisfied with whatever I give him
I am not the least bit attracted to a person with no backbone.
He gains from my unhappiness...
Because that is the only time he would possibly have a chance with me.
It's pathetic.
I told him that if he is bold enough to say something as such when he is not a person of entitlement in my life..
then he has to deal with the consequences
How I see it.. any guy (or girl) who is not a very close/best friend has no right to give that 2 cents to me or him to that extent. I perceive it as.. a wannabe homewrecker.

The consequences: Don't talk to me until that expiration date then.
If you think we will expire.. then, let's see if you're right.
If you think we will expire... I will not have you meddle and be so explicitly intrusive.
It's not like I genuinely care anyway, you're already a headache.
He asked, "What if I die within this time? How will you feel that those were the last words you said to me? 'Don't talk to me for a year'?
I said.. I will think back and realize... It was merited. And I would not feel wrong or bad for that having been the last words I said..
If we all lived life thinking like that: what if that person dies tomorrow...
We'd all be living on edge and probably a hell of alot nicer or meaner, but realer to each other.
In his case.. I honestly do treat him as I would even if he were to die tomorrow.
And for an expiration date... He merits excommunication.

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